Somatic Integrative Therapy
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
Your body holds an innate healing intelligence and wisdom that is organized toward integrated wholeness. By working mindfully with the natural unfolding healing process held within the body-mind-heart, soul and spirit, in a safe and connecting relationship, it supports our natural return to balanced well-being.
Our wholeness is holistic, so we heal and grow through our connection and embodied communication with all parts of our be-ing including mind, body, heart, soul, spirit and the natural world.

All the parts of our self and the unconscious that lives in the body, the beliefs and experiences imprinted in early childhood, and through generations, or lifetimes, have the potential to be felt, heard, nurtured and welcomed and offered space to have a new experience, heal and transform.
As we are more intimately connected to our own body, and all the parts that make up who we are, we can be in a healthier, balanced relationship with Self, others and the earth, to live a more meaningful and authentic life.
From here, beauty awakens, closeness, knowing, intuition, empowerment, sexuality, pleasure, creativity, passion and belonging is remembered at the center of our sacred heart within the body.
I support individuals and groups to:
- Heal, recover and reclaim embodiment, empowerment and wholeness from pre-verbal, developmental sexual trauma, violence, assault, and covert sexual trauma
- Learn to listen to the body and its wisdom
- Process withheld grief & loss
- Feel more connected to intuition and inner knowing
- Embody authentic sensuality and sexuality with self and others
- Feel more intimacy with Self and in their relationships
- Feel empowered worth and deserving
- Trust in oneself and the other
- Discover empowered choice, boundaries, voice and freedom to be authentic
- Play and experience vitality
- Live with greater purpose and meaning
- Integrate psychedelic experiences
- Feel a sense of greater connection to the Earth
- Develop creative self-expression and a spiritual connection
- Heal and find empowerment in groups with others
- Reclaim inner knowing
- Gain awareness and healing the wounds, pain, patterns that get in the way
- Soften to feel what is real